Monday, January 21, 2013

Bath time!!

Chandler got her first bath in the big bathtub last night.  I can't believe how fast she is growing up!  She is such a sweetie pie and has been the best baby ever!!!  I know these times will fly by.  She loved playing in the water and big brother couldn't wait to join in on the fun!

Getting ready!!!  She was excited!!
She tried to climb in after this picture!  Look at that belly!

I am ready momma
This is fun!!!!!!!!

Here comes brother.........

His faces crack me up

Brushing her hair

her little curl in the back Callan had one just like this when he was her age :)

Park Fun!!

Callan had school off today and we didn't want to be stuck in the house all day so we made a trip to the park and met some friends there.  They had a ball!!!  We walked around a little walking trail close to the park and the boys loved it!!  Chandler loved just taking everything in.  She loved to watch the older kids she could sit there forever being entertained.  She loved the swing.  Callan tried to jump over some mud and ended up landing backwards and was a tad muddy for the rest of our trip!  We went to newks to eat lunch muddy clothes and all!  What can you expect he is all boy :)

Chandler and Callan notice who is in a big girl car seat

Watching the boys!

Chandler swinging

Silly Boys!

She loved it!!

Sweet boys

My big girl first ride in her big girl car seat

Taking it all in!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Sundays can be a tad bit stressful in the morning for couples with children and with us it is no exception.  I always love to get pictures of my two on Sunday mornings because they are both clean and dressed in their best!  It is not always an easy task because we are usually running late and the kiddos don't want to cooperate!  Today I got a few pictures so people could see what we have to go through to get a decent picture around here!  I am sure many other mothers out there can relate!

This is the best one I got

Please stand up straight and smile!
 Please stand up straight
smile and put your hands down please


At least he is hugging her right


Ready for Spring

We are super ready for Spring around here!  We have had nothing but rain, rain, and more rain and then freezing cold weather for the past two weeks!  So on Saturday when it was actually pretty outside we decided to take some time and enjoy it!
Callan loves his Jumpoline :)
Callan and his Daddy

Evern Grandpa got in on the fun

Sweet baby sister trying out the trampoline

my handsome boy!

She loves her Grandpa

Riding his scooter

I just love this picture of her!

Daddy riding the scooter down the hill